jueves, 13 de junio de 2013

Fokker Services successfully completes (K)DC-10 Cockpit Upgrade Program for RNLAF

Hoofddorp, The Netherlands, June 12, 2013 --[ASDWire]-- Fokker Services successfully completed the (K)DC-10 Cockpit Upgrade Program (“CUP”) for the Royal Netherlands Air Force (“RNLAF”), a key milestone as this is the second upgraded aerial refueling tanker to come into operation.
In 2005 Fokker Services signed the agreement with the Defense Materiel Organization (“DMO”) who managed the modification of the DC-10 (transport aircraft) and two (K)DC-10’s  (aerial refueling tanker) for the RNLAF. Fokker Services partnered with Boeing for the design to enhance the (K)DC-10’s to meet the current and future requirements of the civil aviation regulations to operate and access global air space and meet demanding current and future military mission requirements.
The first aircraft (DC-10) was re-delivered on April 2011 after completion of a development phase by Fokker and Boeing to integrate next generation technology (avionics) which meet the RNLAF system requirements. As the design for the two tanker aircrafts contained minor variances compared to the DC-10, the modification was accelerated resulted in re-delivery of the remaining two aircraft within 18 months.
CUP was a challenging program though Fokker performed well on the installation and testing. This is reflected in the very short modification time for the third and last aircraft, and I am happy to see also this aircraft in operation again.” said Defense Materiel Organization KLTZE AJ Sleijster (K)DC-10 Program Manager
The upgraded aircraft operate from Air Force Base Eindhoven and are deployed under the European Air Transport Command (“EATC”) who enhances the combined operational capabilities of Participating Nations and improves the effectiveness and efficiency in conducting air transport, air-to-air refueling and aeromedical evacuation missions.

 “Fokker Services is proud to announce the completion of this complex program for the Royal Dutch Air Force. We thank Boeing for their contribution as we maintain a close working relationship and our Defense partners for excellent cooperation”, said Michiel van der Maat, VP Defense Programs Fokker Services.

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